Anant Fellowship in Sustainability and Built Environment

1-year, Full-time, On-campus, Diploma programme


Anant Fellowship is the flagship programme at Anant National University, Ahmedabad. Launched in 2017, the programme has attracted more than 170+ Fellows from over 18 countries across the globe. The year-long programme is designed to inspire thought-leaders and built environment solutionaries through a multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary curriculum and a hands-on experiential learning process.


For more information

Admissions open for 2025-26 cohort

Focused on
Built Environment





About Anant Fellowship



Anant Fellowship aims to prepare and empower solutionaries to design, build and preserve an equitable and sustainable built environment.


  • To make the Fellowship a global platform that can bring together kind, committed and passionate individuals from diverse backgrounds to solve built environment challenges
  • To encourage empathy, leadership, collaboration, perseverance and problem-solving qualities in Fellows
  • To position Anant Fellows as thought leaders across diverse disciplines


Built environment is the human-made element of our surroundings. Dating back to the time of early settlers, the built environment has evolved and morphed into almost all elements of human lifestyle. It brings together various systems and structures essential to the way of life of modern-day civilizations. The scale of the built environment encompasses all human-made structures, features and facilities in which people live, play, work and do business.


Anant Fellowship is a one-year post-graduate diploma programme at Anant National University, Ahmedabad. The multidisciplinary programme is designed to prepare and empower students and young practitioners to create equitable and sustainable solutions for the built environment. The interdisciplinary approach is not only focused on urban development and sustainability but also explores disciplines such as art appreciation, philosophy, social sciences, design thinking and gender studies. Anant Fellowship offers classroom learning combined with hands-on experience, field visits and mentoring from inspiring faculty and experts from all over the world.

MSc in Sustainability and Built Environment

The MSc in Sustainability and Built Environment is a two year post-graduate programme focused on enabling innovative solutions for cities through technical expertise and critical thinking. Candidates can specialize in either of the categories mentioned below:

Affordable Housing – Explore issues relating to the development, financing, and management of housing affordable to very low, low, and moderate income households.

Sustainable Urbanism – Understand a range of disciplines that together contribute to urban sustainability. The track takes a multidisciplinary approach and focuses on design, theory and policy.

Culture and Heritage – Explore the links between cultural heritage (both tangible and intangible) and sustainability through a variety of theoretical and methodological approaches.

Designed as a dual degree programme, all candidates complete the Anant Fellowship in Sustainability and Built Environment in Year 1 of the masters programme. Year 2 focuses on research and writing with each candidate presenting a dissertation and academic publication to graduate with the degree.

Fellowship Snapshots

Anant Fellows are from diverse socioeconomic backgrounds, geographies, academic disciplines and age groups. The fellowship cultivates an inclusive environment for all gender identities among each cohort. Our cadre of 150 fellows from over 18 countries globally are encouraged to practice empathy, leadership and collaboration with each other and their community.


The Anant Fellowship is curated and designed by experts from the fields of Design, Architecture, Technology, Liberal Arts, and Management. Modules offered at the Fellowship are divided into various tracks namely, Societal and Cultural, Fundamentals of Built Environment, Language and Methodology, Design for Development, Self-Growth and Leadership, and the Live-Action Project. The tracks include field visits, studio sessions, workshops, and seminars, and academic credits are awarded through graded course work.
  • Track 1 - Society and Culture
  • Track 2 - Fundamentals of Built Environment
  • Track 3 - Language and Methodology
  • Track 4 - Design for Development
  • Track 5 - Self-growth and Leadership
  • Workshops

Track 1 – Society and Culture

Track 2 – Fundamentals of Built Environment

Track 3 – Language and Methodology

Track 4 – Design for Development

Track 5 – Self-growth and Leadership


Academic Partners

  • The International Institute for the Inclusive Museum
  • Pratt Institute


Unisco Chair

The UNESCO Chair on Inclusive Museums and Sustainable Heritage Development is the first on Museums in the Asia Pacific region. It is second worldwide after Sorbonne Nouvelle in Paris. Serving as a think tank and bridge-builder between academia, civil society, local communities, research, and policy-making this Chair will promote and support the development of museum policies in the region. Designed to promote excellence and innovation, the Chair will establish new modes and modalities of locating culture in sustainable development. Anant through this facility will provide critical direction to Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) with a focus on the built environment and inclusive design. Moreover, it will establish a nexus of collaborations that will benefit institutions across the Asia Pacific region.

Professor Amareswar Galla is the designated Chair holder as Professor and Director of the International Centre for Inclusive Cultural Leadership at Anant.

The International Institute for the Inclusive Museum

The International Institute for the Inclusive Museum (iiiM) promotes cultural democracy in the digital domain. It is a global network of researchers, practitioners and institutes committed to the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) through innovative approaches to culture in development. A distributed network of domains with hubs all over the world, this platform enhances constructive engagement with several knowledge communities and promotes a state of the art online research, learning and teaching systems through strategic collaboration with the Common Ground Research Networks.

iiiM fosters discursive crossings between the Global South and North. The iiiM started as the Pacific Asia Observatory for Cultural Diversity in Human Development, part of the Action Plan of the UNESCO Universal Declaration on Cultural Diversity (2001). It has since evolved as a critical frame for addressing the SDGs / Agenda 2030; and the New Urban Agenda Habitat III 2016. The iiiM promotes academic excellence, communities of practice and professionalization of heritage sectors including benchmarking against the UNESCO Hard Law and Soft Law standard setting instruments.

Pratt Institute

In 2019, Anant collaborated with Pratt Institute for Studio of Experiments (SOE), an advanced studio in Pratt’s School of Architecture. The joint studio is led by Priyamwada Singh, Founder-Principal Architect, Common Ground Practice at Anant and Brennan Buck, Principal, FreelandBuck, at Pratt Institute. Anant Fellows and Pratt Gaud students worked on New Delhi’s Lutyen Zone to understand how architecture constructs identity – for itself, its inhabitants and its site- to define the nuances of the community.

Heritage Matters Webinars

Faculty Speak

Fellow Testimonials