Kelo Uchendu


Kelo Uchendu is the founder and Lead Strategist of the very successful Gray2Green Movement. He founded this youth-led climate justice and air-quality advocacy movement in 2018 and since then it has grown to include 700 activists from 4 countries: Nigeria, Ghana, South Africa and India. In this role he also contributed to the input of drafts and consultations for the United Nations Major Group for Children and Youth (UN MGCY) on Ecosystem restoration; Marine litters and microplastics focal groups. He is currently in his final year of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Nigeria while also serving as the Policy Lead of YOUNGO, the official youth constituency of the UNFCCC. He is coordinating with different YOUNGO working groups to develop YOUNGO’s consolidated policy position and the Global Youth Statement which will be presented at COP26 this November. In addition to being a Clinton Global Initiative University Fellow, he is also the Co-founder of Zentrum, a social impact startup that recently won the global Rockefeller Foundation and Acumen Academy Social Innovation Challenge. In 2019, he was selected as one of the top 50 promising engineering students globally to attend EuroBrake 2019 in Dresden, Germany by the International Federation of Automotive Engineering Society (FISITA). His Mock COP26 project was named by CNN as one of the top 10 Environmental Heroes to inspire you in 2021. This project has made considerable progress in trying to ensure that all students have access to region-specific climate education. He will be working with the UK Department of Education, the Italian Government and UNESCO to run an Environment and Education Ministers Summit in the blue zone at COP26 during the Youth and Public Empowerment Day to bring together education and environment ministers to progress climate education.