PhD in Built Environment, Design Excellence and Creative Practice

Flexible duration


The programme is a unique and highly specialised integrated Ph.D. programme in the built environment, design excellence and creative practice. Following the guidelines of National Education Policy (NEP), the programme will allow flexibility to the candidate to select the type of programme (integrated with exit option after 2 years with Master of Research degree or direct Ph.D.), enrollment status (part-time and full-time), specialisation in multiple areas and tracks (inquiry versus practice). The programme will familiarise scholars with multidisciplinary applications in the domains of the built environment and design. The uniqueness of the programme lies in its carefully crafted blend of structure, delivery and mentorship, by experienced faculty members and seasoned practitioners.


Know more

B.Des. colleges in ahmedabad

For individuals...

With significant professional experience or academic training in design, built environment, social sciences, management, culture and heritage, tourism, creative practices and related fields

B.Des. colleges in gujarat

Looking for...

The next step in their career by gaining in-depth research-informed mastery in design, built environment, urban and cultural studies, arts, cultural and heritage management, cultural tourism and allied domains of expertise

B.Des. colleges in ahmedabad

To become...

  • Academics (part-time/ full-time)
  • Practice leaders
  • High-end private consultants
  • Design/ built environment research specialists

Programme Highlights

B.Des. colleges in india

Flexibility in
programme structure

B.Des. colleges in gujarat

Flexibility in
programme focus

B.Des. colleges in ahmedabad

Interdisciplinary orientation

B.Des. colleges in india

Access to world-class faculty and networks

B.Des. colleges in gujarat


About the Programme

  • Curriculum
  • Networks


  • Within the interdisciplinary framework of the programme, scholars can choose from specialisations across design practice, design management, arts, cultural and heritage management, urban, regional, local development studies and sustainability studies and cultural tourism.
  • Core coursework has been especially customized to cover methodological, writing, teaching and academic life skills that will be relevant across tracks and fields of specialization.
  • The majority of credits in the programme also consist of independent research and research communication/ exchange activities.


  • The faculty are well-recognized and well-networked in their fields.
  • Internal and external funding opportunities will be available for academic exchange, field travel and conferences.
  • Ph.D. scholars may choose research supervisory committee members from internal and external panels of experts.

Meet the Scholars

  • First Cohort

Read our FAQs

The applicant must be:

  • An M.Phil. or Masters by Research degree from an Indian or international university

  • Or, a recognised postgraduate degree in any discipline

  • Or, a four- or five-year undergraduate degree with a substantive research or thesis component (Candidate may be recommended to enrol for integrated PhD with exit option after 2 years)

  • Or, an undergraduate degree and substantial research or professional experience (Candidate may be recommended to enrol for integrated PhD with exit option after 2 years)

For detailed information, click here

Applicants are required to submit an application including a (1) CV, (2) work sample as “evidence of research preparation” (up to 5000 words), (3) UGC-NET certification (if available), (4) names and contacts of three referees and (5) a research proposal of up to 1200 words in the specified format.

The selection process will be carried out in following stages:

  • Research Aptitude Assessment (mandated by the UGC; if applicable)

  • Research proposal assessment (for direct PhD applicants only. Applicant may be recommended to enrol for integrated PhD with exit option after 2 years)

  • Research proposal presentation (with viva, for direct PhD applicants only. Applicant may be recommended to enrol for integrated PhD with exit option after 2 years)

  • Personal/Online Interview

For details related to the admission requirements, the eligibility conditions and the programme, send an expression of interest, consisting of a CV and cover letter with a statement of purpose to
Please indicate whether you would be interested in a part-time or full-time programme and which specialization would interest you most.

Applicants will be evaluated on how well they demonstrate “evidence of research preparation” in the form of one or more of the following, which they must submit:

  • Research skills coursework and/or a supervised research project that includes an independently completed written report, as part of the programme of study at the Bachelor’s and/or Master’s programmes.
  • Scholarly papers involving a substantial contribution as an author, published in recognized academic journals or edited volumes from recognized academic publishers.
  • Research or technical reports contributed by the candidate for industry, government, or business, which adhere to the broad conventions of academic publishing.
  • “A scholarly approach to creative work as research investigation” shown through a critical discussion of creative work, the candidates’ own or others.
  • Industry or work experience independently planning and executing a project.