Master of Design (Integrated Product Design)

2-year, Full-time, Postgraduate programme


This course integrates core subjects in Product Design with courses in business, entrepreneurship and technology to equip designers with a multidisciplinary approach to handle complex real-life challenges. It is designed in collaboration with the University of Pennsylvania and seeks to equip students with a solutionary mindset.

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B.Des. colleges in ahmedabad

For individuals...

who wish to understand the increasing complexities and demands of product development for a more integrated approach to problem-solving. This programme aims at creating Product Designers who can master the multidisciplinary framework for innovation through design.

B.Des. colleges in gujarat

Looking for...

a solution-driven education that focuses on the advance treatment of design. Students can conduct research using user studies, problem identification and analysis, and learn creative problem solving while exploring converging technologies. Students engage in hands-on studio courses, theory classes, workshops and seminars.

B.Des. colleges in ahmedabad

To become...

designers who question the status quo and have the potential and skill set to create the future. Students master design tools which are suitable for a professional path in design consultancies, the in-house design department of major corporations or start-ups developing new products and services. This course also prepares students to undertake further research as an alternative career path.

Programme Highlights

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Product Design

B.Des. colleges in gujarat


B.Des. colleges in ahmedabad


B.Des. colleges in india


B.Des. colleges in gujarat


About the Programme

  • Why M.Des. (IPD)?

Why M.Des. (IPD)?

Over the past few decades, with considerable social and technical progress, products have evolved into complex systems that merge tangible and intangible aspects. Whether it is rapid technological development, myriad functional needs or rising sustainability concerns, it is evident that the boundaries of product design discipline have expanded to integrate various facets. The curriculum is unique in its ability to bring these aspects together. It is a challenging and exciting programme designed for those who want to master the concepts and tools of product design comprehensively and systemically.


Semester 1: Students learn about the basics of design, their elements, principles and application along with engineering drawing basics and standards, materials for product design and manufacturing processes. They explore tools and methods for creating new products, the process of product ideation and its commercialisation, entrepreneurship, start-ups and technology development. Students conduct research and learn to write proposals.


Semester 2: It introduces students to Industrial Design. They learn the fundamental principles of developing a design strategy, explore the relationship between management and design, and the meaning and nature of design strategy. Students gain an overview of fundamental concepts of Human-computer Interaction (HCI), create products based on user-centred approaches, learn about issues of epistemology, ethics and data collection methodologies in research design and conduct a systematic investigation to find solutions to real-life problems.

  • Design Basics
  • Engineering Fundamentals
  • Product Design and Development
  • Entrepreneurship and Start-ups
  • Research Thinking
  • Industrial Design
  • Business Strategy and Design
  • Design for Interaction
  • Building Research
  • Art, Design and Culture


Semester 3: Students think and implement innovative solutions to design problems using the acquired skills in the previous semesters. They learn to create a business plan including market size determination, financial planning, marketing and manpower plan, and the firm’s overall strategy. They also learn to create interactive functional objects utilizing analogue, digital and electronic skill sets and explore issues in contemporary design practice. This semester helps students gain in-depth knowledge of social, cultural and technological changes that influence the development of the modern design.


Semester 4 – Capstone Project: Students work on design projects based on real-world problems provided by our industry partners or social sector organisations. Through this project, students employ skills such as problem identification/need-finding, product design and business and put them into practice. The programme encourages students to undertake interdisciplinary teamwork for the final project.

  • Product Innovation
  • Business Plan
  • Design of Smart Objects
  • Designing Future
  • Capstone Project

Learn to Prioritise

  • About CBCS
  • Credits Required

Choice Based Credit System (CBCS)

The Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) is a student-centric methodology that gives them the freedom to choose courses from across disciplines. Students can opt for additional courses and complete more than the minimum required credit-score in any semester. All courses are allotted credits, based on the number of instruction and practice hours. In order to earn their credits, students must obtain a passing grade in that course and maintain a minimum of 80% attendance. Credits are defined based on different parameters, such as student workload, learning outcomes and contact hours.

Credits Required

Total Credit requirement for the completion of the M.Des. degree: 80 Credit

  • Studio and Theory
  • 56 Credits
  • Portfolio Project
  • 20 Credits
  • Electives
  • 4 Credits

Internship Partners

Application Rounds


Round 1: 8th January 2023

Round 2: 19th March 2023

Round 3: 4th June 2023

Student Testimonials

Read our FAQs

The University offers bridge courses as part of the M.Des. programme. It has designed these courses to enable students from different educational backgrounds to acquire skill sets required to pursue the programme successfully. These bridge courses impart a fundamental understanding of design to create a strong foundation for students.

Graduates from any discipline who have secured a minimum of 50% in his/her graduation exams are eligible to apply. Students need to take an entrance test and submit a portfolio, followed by a personal interview with the admissions committee.

Yes. Please refer to the campus job on the website.

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