This transdisciplinary design programme exposes students to all the fields of design and choose courses from other design disciplines to enhance their learning. They choose their own path, selecting studios, theory, workshops, modules or electives across the disciplines. They are guided about designing their unique pathways. In their final year, students bring together diverse knowledge and integrate the spectrum.
who are passionate about being a solutionary to a complex problem that are multidisciplinary in nature. They like to have varied and wide experiences while crafting their own unique design journey. They are resilient in approach and look forward to being future ready.
varied choice of courses and projects offered across all other disciplines & learn about different dimensions offered by them. Exploring tools and working methods to address issues on a local and global level. To work on project where you can implement integrated learnings from multiple disciplines before embarking on your journey outside University.
After undergoing a common foundation programme students choose courses and projects from other disciplines offered at Anant from semester three until semester six. They are introduced to tools and methods that enhance their critical thinking abilities and make them conscious decision makers. Each semester, they design their customised curriculum under the mentorship of the coordinator.
Through this approach, the programme grooms them to be future ready and aligns them to become passionate and responsible designers who can resolve complex problems of multidisciplinary nature.
Besides the learning from courses of other disciplines, students will also learn about:
Transdisciplinary design introduces students to tools and working methods and trains them to solve issues through design that have an impact on a local and global level. They start looking at things through an empathetic lens and learn to design for the greater good of the society.
Design Discovery One, is the transdisciplinary design project which allows the students to assimilate all diverse knowledge and experiences across the previous semester to design and work on a real-life project.
The studio offers necessary inputs to discover, explore and integrate various elements of the identified project. They develop an appropriate design process to ensure a tangible solution. Further, the studio focuses on developing clarity about the project path, ability to document and communicate appropriately to the identified audience.
Students learn about the Design Discovery Two module in two phases. In the first phase, students learn effective tools required for team work. They identify a project at community level and design a process to find an appropriate solution.
Students undertake independent social research study for the second phase of the studio as a part or extension of the identified community project.