Dr Zeeshan

Assistant Professor and Senior Researcher, AnantU;
Ph.D. in Economics,
Birla Institute of Technology and Science (BITS)

Zeeshan is an economist and pursuing his Ph.D. in Economics from Birla Institute of Technology and Science (BITS), Pilani, India with particular interests in Microeconomics of agricultural development, Applied Micro-econometrics, and Development Economics.He holds a Master’s and Bachelor’s degrees in Economics with a specialization in Econometrics and Mathematical Economics from Aligarh Muslim University, India. Prior to joining Ph.D. program, he was working as a Senior Research Fellow at ICAR – National Centre for Agricultural Economics and Policy Research (NCAP), New Delhi. At NCAP, he was working on “Network Project on Marketing Intelligence” funded by Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) and IFPRI funded project on “Financing Food Value Chains in India: Case Studies of Dairy and Mango Value Chains and Financing Mechanisms”. He has published research articles in national and international journals.

List of key publications

  • “Livelihood Diversification in Non-Farm Enterprises and Poverty Alleviation of Farm Households in Rural India”. Small Enterprises Development, Management & Extension Journal (SEDME), (2019), 46(3), 1-8.
  • “The Effects of Non-Farm Enterprises on Farm Households’ Income and Consumption Expenditure in Rural India”. Economía Agraria y Recursos Naturales – Agricultural and Resource Economics, (2019), 19(1), 169-196.
  • “Does Accessibility to Water and Sanitation improves Household Well-being in India?” Journal of Income and Wealth, (2018), 40 (2) 146-166.
  • “How Evident are the Potato Price Linkages among the Northern Hill and Plain Markets? Evidence and Implications”. Indian Journal of Agricultural Marketing, (2016), 30 (3) 157-167.
  • “Examining Export Volatility, Structural Breaks in Price Volatility and Linkages between Domestic & Export Prices of Onion in India”. Agricultural Economics Research Review, (2015), 28, 101-116.
  • “Agricultural Trade Structure and Linkages in SAARC: An Empirical Investigation”. Agricultural Economics Research Review, (2015), 28 (2) 311-328.