I represented Anant National University at BITSMUN 19’ held at BITS Goa in February, 2019. It was an enlightening experience, to say the least!
Model United Nations is a unique platform for young students to discuss, deliberate, and debate over pertinent issues of global relevance. The best part about the programme is that it endeavours to make the youth step out from their cocooned existence. With skills like empathy, leadership, and team building, one learns to view things strategically from a zone that has thus far been alien.
To elaborate more, the first day was overwhelming. Giving shape to the preparation was definitely a challenging task, more so when we had to garner support in a maze of a moderated caucus. This simulated UN experience yielded rich insights for me as I started moving from local/regional/national perspective to a macro one. In other words, it gave me a deeper understanding of the multidimensional world issues.
Post the inaugural speech, we were sent to our respective committees. My committee had only 27 members. It was a small one, giving each one of us ample opportunity to put forth our points. Being the youngest of the lot, it gave me great scope for learning from seniors who were already acquainted with the MUN culture. Representing Austria in the UNODC (United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime), I spoke about the terrible condition of women in prisons and how it needed to change for the better. Day 1 ended with a lot of points to ponder over, making me dig deeper into unexplored territories.
Day 2 started off with heated debates. Looking at issues from different perspectives widened my own. After a lot of deliberations and discussions, we began to draft resolutions. Drafting resolutions was the crux of the MUN. This involves negotiating. I was fortunate to be exposed to a process that enabled me to pick up and hone these skills further.
Day 3 was the most important day of the MUN. We passed resolutions and gave solutions to problems faced in prisons around the world. As the newsletter was being made, we were given time to interact with different committees and talk about the solutions that they had come up with for the various agendas. Thus, exposure to the breadth and depth of information, coupled with skill-building was the hallmark of MUN.
The BITSMUN 19’ ended with certificate distribution. I left teary-eyed as I bade farewell to the friends that I made over the course of 3 days. I am thankful to Anant National University for giving me this wonderful opportunity to learn and grow as a global citizen.