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The onslaught of COVID 19 and the emergencies of climate change have one thing in common – there are no borders. It is across Global North and Global South. No country is spared. Hot spots are in localities with most environmental degradation, especially urban centres. Not surprisingly, lockdown have dramatically reduced air pollution and even started healing the Ozone Layer. Post Pandemic we need to envisage a brave new world that is cognisant of the cultural dimension of Climate Change. Heritage Matters Webinar 4 on the Eve of the World Environment Day aims to raise awareness, discussion and debate in the digital domain. A common concern for sustainability is from a holistic perspective, where environmental, cultural, economic, and social interests intersect. We seek to build an epistemic community where we can make linkages across disciplinary, geographic and cultural boundaries. During and Post Pandemic, we need strategic engagement to build global strategies for action framed by our shared concerns and tensions – Accelerating the Transition to Sustainability: What Policy Solutions for the Climate Emergency?
Panellists: Mrs Naaz Rizvi, Director, National Museum of Natural History of India, Ministry of Environment, Forestry & Climate Change, New Delhi; Dr Miniya Chatterji, CEO, Sustain Labs Paris; Author & Columnist; Adjunct Professor SciencesPo Paris; & Director, Anant Centre for Sustainability, Anant National University; Professor Dr Rohit Jigyasu, Project Manager in Urban Heritage, Climate Change & Disaster Risk Management, ICCROM, Rome; Vice President of ICOMOS International, Paris; & former UNESCO Chairholder, Ritsumeikan University, Kyoto; and Douglas Worts, International Coalition for Climate Justice; Culture & Sustainability Specialist, World Views Consulting, Toronto; & Sustainability Committee, American Association for State and Local History, USA.
Host: Professor Dr Amareswar Galla, Director, International Centre for Inclusive Cultural Leadership, Anant National University, Ahmedabad; Salzburg Global Fellow; and Founder, On Sustainability International Research Network & Founding Editor Onsustainability Research Journal Collection (2006-2015).