Amit Gulati

MDes, National Institute of Design

Amit Krushn Gulati pursued his postgraduation in Industrial Design from the National Institute of Design (NID), Ahmedabad and is the co-founder of Incubis, one of India’s respected architecture, design and innovation consulting companies with several Fortune 500 clients.

Amit Gulati is an award-winning industrial designer, entrepreneur and educator with a multifaceted oeuvre encompassing New Product Development, Healthcare, Branding, Built Environments and Retail Experiences.

Amit’s academic experience includes teaching at reputed institutions such as NID Ahmedabad and Gandhinagar, where he is also a member of the Senate, The School of Planning and Architecture, Delhi, Ambedkar University, Delhi, The Vedica Scholars Programme for Women, New Delhi and Naropa Fellowship, Ladakh. He is also a visiting faculty at Anant National University.